Assalam o Alikum Lovelies 😊 I hope you are good and life is treating you well. 🌼 Happy Monday..! 🙆 It's been a long time since I have written a piece and now I feel like I am missing out on something really important. I think it is because writing helps me share my thoughts and experiences and to connect with you all. I realize that each day is an adventure for me and when I think of my blog and its content I know how important it is to be consistent and put forward my best in writing and photography, to keep my followers engaged. I honestly cannot believe how bright this week has been, it is enormously hot in Islamabad and I feel being evaporated little by little. I miss my travel days, I miss the outings, the mountains, the greenery, the serenity and especially those early morning walks. Did I ever tell you Lovelies? I LOVE TRAVELLING and it has always been the best therapeutic escape for me. I still miss those years when Papa and I used to go to places ...