Assalam o Alikum Lovelies 😊
I hope you are good and life is treating you well. 🌼
Happy Monday..! 🙆
It's been a long time since I have written a piece and now I
feel like I am missing out on something really important. I think it is because
writing helps me share my thoughts and experiences and to connect with you all.
I realize that each day is an adventure for me and when I
think of my blog and its content I know how important it is to be consistent
and put forward my best in writing and photography, to keep my followers
I honestly cannot believe how bright this week has been, it
is enormously hot in Islamabad and I feel being evaporated little by little.
I miss my travel days, I miss the outings, the mountains,
the greenery, the serenity and especially those early morning walks.
Did I ever tell you Lovelies?
I LOVE TRAVELLING and it has always been the best
therapeutic escape for me. I still miss those years when Papa and I used to go
to places together. He always accompanied me and I could never have asked for
anything more. I miss those carefree days when I used to keep a blanket in the car
and sleep on the back seat on long journeys. I feel nostalgic when I remember
how the moon always chased our car.
I like to be on the
go all day long. I feel free, fresh, young and liberated. I love it when the
monotonous routine breaks and all the noise and tension is left behind to reach
areas of tranquility.
And the picture description, I laid down on the grass close
to this tree. It was a sunny day, extraordinarily patterned sky, birds
chirping. I could hear the sound of an axe striking wood at a distance and a
gentle breeze began to flow, I saw the leaves dancing and just then realized
how tall the tree was and how it felt that it was touching the sky, the
sunlight filtered through green leaves and made it more magical for me as I
made a feeble attempt to capture the moment.
I am glad that Allah Almighty gives me chances to explore
this beautiful country where the every inch of land leaves you in awe.
With love💓
You can visit my blog on Instagram
Don’t forget to like my facebook page where I share the pictures that I like: AutoPhile ( )
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